Sunday, June 16, 2013

Marco, you'll love this!

This is what Marco has to do with this story, Marco please ask me what my original title was. That's it.

Here's an irony. I leave Florida and arrive in time for Harley week! Me! A group of riders from Miami (more irony) were at the bar the other  day discussing their plans, etc. The number one complaint? No Harleys for rent...they had to ride BMW's!

There are "colors" from everywhere, England, Latvia, USA, Dubai, Greece, France...everywhere. Since I don't profess to being a biker their plans and events are unknown to me. Most of them look just like the guys I see in Clearwater, 65, long white pony-tails, denim, leather...the whole nine yards!

However, bikes are much more accepted in Europe. Respectable even. None  of these folks really fit the "outlaw" image.

So, here's my final twist. While the bikers are riding the streets of Rome, overhead fly all the world's helicopters protecting the "gay pride " march!

What a world!

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