Sunday, June 30, 2013


People play such a large part in you life that you sometimes loose track. Two people that played a huge part in my life were ones I never met, gone long before I could meet or appreciate the...but I have reaped rewards.

Thank you Loreto e Carmela. Grace's Grandparents, Nonna from Firenze e Nonno a Roma! I never had a chance! Italy and Rome were simply going to happen, but neither of us expected what happened. Grace fully anticipated a love affair in Florence and I was looking forward to seeing Barcelona again. With tearing leaking from our eyes we left Rome for the first time. Neither of us ever returned or left Rome dry-eyed again. The anticipated love affair continues, but not in Florence, but in our home of homes, Roma.  

The works and labor enabled Loretto to send home for his bride, Carmela. Despite an age difference a home was built and the ensuing large Italian-American family seemed to take over the North Shore of Boston. It still does. Sanpietrini or cobblestones in the US were the work surface for Loretto and he built in the states as he had in Roma, for the duration. Some of his work still stands, choice of words here, do tunnels "stand"? The Sumner Tunnel was the first large scale road-work in Boston and still functions exactly as built. 

A love affair cannot be based on demands, whether it's a city we are referring to or a person. Warts and all you love the package. Rome is no more perfect than any other city...just more-so for Grace and for me. I owe more to the "un-met" relatives of Grace than my own that were bright enough to leave Newfoundland or Nova Scotia. That was simply a no-brainer!   

So Salve Nonna e salve Nonno...buona giornata!

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