Saturday, June 1, 2013

2:00 A M

Where are your children?

Standing in an alley in Rome, beside his retching friend...trying to make a call, to make a buy!

Standing in an alley in Rome, she is drunk, telling someone else that he has a problem!

Standing in an alley in Rome, saying, "I just want to be cool"!

There is no "Street smart for dummies" course that I know of, damned shame about that, most American kids (and  these were all Americans) really need one. Pampered from birth to college  and released into the wilds, they don't have a clue.

Yes, I grew up in a different time and in a big city environment, but no one EVER admits to a weakness or Shows might as well paint  a bulls-eye on your chest. Letting go of your child is the hardest thing a parent can do, but to allow them to be so totally unprepared is almost criminal. 

Unfortunately this is a recurring event, which I can only be unhappy with and disgusted by. So, as I have heard before, "I am sorry for your troubles", because you have or will have them! How can I be so the title again!

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