Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Comedy of the Absurd

Once we could laugh at ourselves. Not so caught up in our own magnificence. Pomposity, priggishness all of our human foibles were fair game. Political correctness appeared and swallowed our sense of the inane.

Sensitivity training, anger management and other buzz-word conditions have turned the word man, as in humanity, into all but a curse word. As I near 70 I resent the whole thing. Because I was born in the time period of the 1940's I was taught a system called courtesy. A system loosely attached to chivalry. One in which you respect women, elders, those possibly weaker than yourself. Perhaps it is as archaic as just plain good manners. Obviously no one has a clue about them. Can't blame the kids if the parents didn't teach them.

PC has turned one of our strongest traits into a non-existent memory. The comic muse predates most modern religions. The Greek masks of tragedy and comedy are instantly recognizable and are symbols of learning several thousand years old. Using that same muse to point out the ludicrous isn't a new thing either. Buffoons, clowns and jesters were given carte blanche by kings and divine rulers. In a day and age where politicians "talk the talk" and then slither away we desperately need the ability to see "the emperor's new suit"!

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