Saturday, June 29, 2013

A good time to write this one

Why is this a good time to write this piece? Because last night was the worst night I have had since I arrived. The drunks and crack heads started early and finished late, giving me about five hours of brutal sleep. So here I go.

The previous pieces I have written have been somewhat concerned about the kids here getting in above their heads. They are oblivious. The looks on their faces as they walk through the Campo, disdainfully sneering at workers and business owners alike disconcerts me. These are 16 to 20 year old kids that have added nothing to the world so far and they are disdainful? What have I missed? 

Here's a playback from my 2:00AM hits list; two young American guys fighting with each other about a girl that neither "loves", but one wants to f--k! Clear? Punch line, they leave and return to this romantic alley, smelling of urine, with the object of lust, chat for awhile and she leaves with them BOTH! Such a virtuous girl.

From 11:45 until somewhere around 4:00 AM this morning all I heard was the sound of giggling teenagers "scoring" crack, drunks stumbling and kicking beer bottles until they broke, cackling teenage girls proving their absolute inanity, phone calls from home being ignored while "Johnny" got high, dealers running up an down the street making money and not ONE cop the entire evening! The problem is out of hand and just being ignored. All of us paying for these high priced apartments are being robbed. I know that someone will eventually be hurt and I hope that I am not a witness, but my sympathy at this point is for the devil!

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure what they are calling this generation of people who think that the rest of us owe them something, maybe it's the "All about Me" generation. Their parents failed them by leading them to think they deserve or are entitled to anything and everything. No one ever told them that they get what they deserve and if they work hard, they can get anything. Ready to come home yet dad?


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