Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Turn, turn, turn

Writing about idealism is harder than you might think. For me, ideally people wouldn't hurt each other. And there is the difficulty I 'm going to address. Ideal, ideally, ideals and idealism are all different..,some with multiple definitions. So my thought about "ideally" does not have very much to do with idealism. 

Kant early on suggests that all entities are composed of mind or spirit, that idealism is not physical and that theories not in agreement aren't acceptable. He was a great thinker but that kind of left me shaking my head. I'm looking for some kind of principles, ethics, morals that will combine for the good of us all...kind of like the basic "golden rule". It covers pretty much everything I mentioned, it already exists and is well known and admired...simply neglected.

Youth seems to be the period when idealism runs amok. Why not, that's the last time we are omnipotent. No fear, nor responsibilities. Family and kids change that. Many of my friends went to college and were infected. I was in the Navy and missed it. So having missed that phase and possibly skipped maturity as well, I am wondering if the second childhood that might come with senility might give me a second chance?

I wonder how anger and disillusionment will factor in? Is there room for reality and pragmatism? Is change allowed...or is idealism a stagnant theory?

During  my youth an event took place that still affects me and all of us. A bunch of knee jerk bureaucrats with  the aid of hack politicians and a bunch of frightened boys with guns shot, maimed, injured and killed students at Kent State FOUR DEAD IN OHIO! Song title, headline and worse, true!
Instantly, our nation was radicalized. Over forty years later and what we have is Right/left government with little if any centrist populace. The parties names no longer matter...right or left. No attempt to find a common good for the common man. Kent State shattered idealism here...four of our own gunned down...by more of our own. Sad, sick and oh so not golden!

...and for those who don't remember:


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