Monday, July 22, 2013

An itchy twitchy feeling...who remembers it?

When an idea takes over your brain and remains there it becomes an obsession. It is four in the morning, I have had roughly 14 hours of sleep in the past three days and here I am, fully awake. And, I am thinking single word!
I go to look it up in my dictionary and find a succinct but unsatisfactory answer. The internet is down or my computer is doing a much better job of sleeping than I am, so no answer there. My Italian phone won't work here and neither does the state of the art American gadget, so I can't disturb any of you yet. Perhaps I am searching for the wrong word definition and change the search to "isolation"...but then, I have that answer.

Being obsessed isn't a new thing for me. I have been accused many times, by most that know me, strangely enough two of the accusers actually married me. I don't think that I research, ponder or think about these objects of obsession, they just occur. Right now they seem to be more akin to the thoughts one would be having at four am without coffee. Killing time! Like random word searches! Screwball thoughts.

I'm thinking I need adjectives for these obsessions, like "magnificent". However someone else used that one. And it was about a "singular" obsession.My obsessions seem to gather, like a collection. This blog a fairly new one. I have been admiring women for a long time, how about " the deadly obsession"? Sports, the "silly obsession"? Words, an "intellectual" obsession? Observation, a "rewarding Obsession"? Wish I could come up with a "fiscally sound" obsession. 

Where is this going? One, it's obviously an "off the cuff" posting. Two, since I can't call anyone, it's a pretty good way to scratch the itch. Three, when I do reconnect I'll put down the final sentence or two, check syntax, spelling, cogency (LOL) and correctness, for I suspect this an obsession about "accuracy". Finally I want try and use the word in a sentence.

Version one: Propinquity will occasionally interrupt your time line with a specially propitious moment, perhaps Kismet, a particularly apt description. version two.

For the unknowing, the word; particular, a singular special thing.

1 comment:

  1. OK, Dad, sounds like you need a xanex.


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