Thursday, July 25, 2013


As a teenager Science Fiction was my lifeline. When something in my daily routine didn't go well I would grab something by Asimov, Simak, Heinlein or Clarke and the day would improve. Different inspirations now.

In sci-fi there was always a new frontier, that was the beauty of the genre. Yet, in fact, life has always provided new frontiers. Each one of us has an individual composition, mind, unlike any others, even a twins.

There sciences devoted to unraveling the paradoxes of all these new frontiers, psychiatry and psychology. Different approaches to the end. 

But, if you were to ask either practitioner a definitive question your answer would be something like this; "That's a good question, what do you think?" or "In my opinion..." and "The preponderant consensus on that is...". As the questioner you still are in the dark because they are still in the dark. 

The only difference is the amount of knowledge they purport to have...Oh yeah, one more, WE pay THEM!

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