Monday, July 1, 2013


I don't remember life being as flat as ambitious as it is now. My memories include creeks, mountains, beaches, picnics and running...for the pure hell of it!

One job sufficed, Mom was Mother.

I watched, lived through and survived the changes. So, with all the new buzzwords added to the language, all the new electronic marvels, all the modernization, why do I still feel cheated?

Is it because all change isn't progress and all progress isn't?
Or, more likely, there is something missing?

During this visit I have been able to watch and participate in the daily lives of friends, neighbors and those around us. From toddler to Nonna, each generation is included, cherished even revered. Everyone adds something, the vigor of youth, the wisdom of age all are honored and attended. Love and self-esteem for all.

Samsung, Apple and all the others are here too. Yet beyond doubt there is a warmth and a common concern that permeates life. It isn't the "invisible friend" your child has accompanies inn youth, but a part of life that, just like a lost loved one, you can grieve for.

To love, to honor, to cherish...what a strange concept!

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