Monday, July 15, 2013

...a house of un-american activities

Success...see following.

For the past three months I have been living on this side of the pond without a television. The fact is I still have not even checked to see if I am supposed to have the contract? or not? Don't care. I like the fact that I am actually thinking after I return to the house. Not being fed pablum or platitudes by some talking head. Now, as the time to return to  the U.S. approaches I want to know, can I excommunicate my TV...disconnect and tune out? How do I maintain the use of that big flat screen without it being the boss? As a monitor? A movie screen? A player? un-american!

For just about 70 years I have enjoyed music. Going from wind-up victrolas to hi-fi, to stereo, boom-box and now, drum roll please, an mp3. Yesterday I didn't know what they were, today, I "are one"! Very busy selecting music and adding to storage. The flight back will at least be a bit less aggravating. Thank you Fabri!!! I am typing and listening at the same time...multi-tasking! Eagles just told me, "we are prisoners of our own device", timing is everything!!!!!! 

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