Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Buona sera

It's 18:30 and the sun is drooping. It is time to chase the sun. The last ombrelli are about to be lowered. Except for one with the name emblazoned across it. But the times, they are a changin'. It's late July and when the last ombrelli lowers it will be for good. The famous final curtain. New management, new owners, new crew and most likely new customers. When changes come even the dogs get upset. Bricco and Amalia will be dazed and confused. No usual morning treats. Tippy's paper trail a thing of the past...perhaps not the best memory.

We will be left with memories of good times, people and laughter.

Buona fortuna, amici e ciao!

1 comment:

  1. That would be a neat thing to have on YOUR patio table in FL.


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