Saturday, October 26, 2013

No big thing

The DC Follies are not a new phenomena. The time period between the Declaration of Independence and the creation of a set of laws to run the nation was one of even more contention and weakness. But, we survived.

At that time our population was around 2.4 million, or less than one third the current population of New York City and 90% were farmers. we were an agrarian culture. Business, commerce and corporations, as we know them now, did not exist.

The question before us at that point was national existence...nothing more. We had no army, so controlling borders was a more nebulous action than the borders were themselves. New states were forming while we debated. And, they were doing business with the same folks we had been warring with just weeks and months ago. a strong central government didn't exist. Topics we consider mainstream were unworthy of conversation. Rights? Immigration? Taxes? Only male property owners could vote. If you were of european stock you were a citizen...simple.
Again, we survived. 

Somehow from this paltry number of people we managed to gather perhaps the largest number of great leaders in our history. Debate on a constitution was initiated. Battle lines drawn and fought over. Concessions were made and finally common sense prevailed. 

Using existing documents, such as the Magna Carta, a document was hammered out and our farm based nation was given one of great legal documents of all time. Our Constitution. Even now with all the changes it has undergone it is the first source for emerging nations world wide.

We are survivors.

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