Saturday, October 26, 2013

Breakfast at Parkside

Recently I read an NPR article on sleep and sleep diprivation. It appears that sleep "washes away" toxins that build up because of a long hard day of thinking. Well with all those toxins gone I start my day listening to all the conversations going on around me while we eat. Almost everyone here is a "regular", we know each other by sight and or name. The cast of characters is 100% working class America. Today it seems as if that big ol' moon out there has opened a big can of despair.

Unlike the song, all I hear are discouraging words...lot's of them. You can pick your subject, but each one will return to the base line. Everyone feels screwed. From "camera traffic tickets"...a complete scam! To "judicial practice"...quick arrests followed by a total inability to prosecute. And it goes on, blah, blah, blah! The shear volume  of complaint drones on as a less than tasty condiment to my eggs and bacon.

Is this negative? Of course. Depressing? Yep! But, for most it's a continuation of their usual day to day existence. This is what I hope to escape...I'll keep you informed.

I can understand the feelings being voiced. Demographically these are my peers. Age, education levels and economic situations are something we share. Their doubts are my doubts. What hope does the future hold? All I have are suspicions, not answers. Answers to follow at a later date.

Agreement on any subject in impossible. The "so-called free press" makes sure of that. Every chance to fill a sound bite with "a discouraging word" is taken in every redundant way they can imagine. Politics and the free press, they vie for our entertainment dollar instead of giving unbiased unpolarized viewpoints.

Maybe we should all follow the lead of my cat...sleep and more of it. Cleanse those toxins!

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