Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Exploitation has no redeeming features

While cable TV was supposed to offer so much more selection, that does not seem to be the result. Now we have individual stations devoted to single concepts. Thus, if you don't like the way the screw is twisted...Mike will make it right.

Understanding successful TV concepts isn't rocket science. Some eye candy, a bit of fluff, glitter, glitz and a trivial amount of a premise surrounding the commercials amounts to a new show. Knowing the concept still left me raging after watching a commercial for two under-teen exploitation shows. Eight, nine year old girls being promoted to sex toys under the guise of beauty. Not even on the "adult" stations.

The lack of care, concern, intellect among the surrounding "stage mothers" is exceeded only by their greed and self-indulgence.

In 1996 a very pretty little girl involved in the "beauty pageant" business was murdered. As of now, no one has been indited, let alone charged with a crime. Any crime. We learned so little from her death that  it is now on TV as entertainment. That child was first exploited, abused, deprived of any form of normalcy and then brutally killed. No one punished, no condemnation. Just a new show.

Surviving a "stage door Mom" is tough. Many don't and a lot of the survivors are forever scarred...think Judy Garland, talented, but tormented.

There are no tests, no rules, no licenses required for procreation and in this case it shows. No child should suffer the same end as Jon Benet Ramsey for her parents greed or self-aggrandizement. 

No, these words do not begin to convey my true feelings. Those words can not be printed.

I think I know who watches these shows, Hopefully the police keep the list current.

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