Thursday, October 3, 2013

In God we trust...the do nothing motto!

Actually I prefer "One nation undivided". But,  In God we trust certainly works for our duly elected representatives, because we as citizens can' them. They sit, do nothing, bicker, postulate, pose, and allow our nation to become more and more polarized. The government grinds to a halt because of them. An estimated 800,000 workers are furloughed...that's jargon for "laid off". Those are the less essential folks. The entire debacle is laughable, if you aren't one of those laid off. 

Somewhere in the last never-ending run for office some wag uttered this, we are not in the business of creating jobs. Can you think of any other corporation that could lay off that many workers and have that figure amount to less than 25% of their work force?

The best thing that the government does for its citizenry is closed and the pampered pols continue to twist in the wind blaming everyone except themselves. When one of them accepts accountability it is both collective and on camera. Self effacing and denyability at their best. Would I trade a single National Park Ranger for all of them? Every single day of my life!

Red, white, pink, black or green the color matters not. They are all wallowing in the trough of self-righteousness and creating nothing.
One group is more equal than the other because it is bigger in size, "Goofy Old Potato-heads."Are they more at fault? most likely, however the underlying fault is we elected them! Not only that, we continue to do so. It can't get better than that!  

Some look at this and think of it as a bigger, better football game. One with no injuries. If it is truly a game, I only see no winners. My children and grand-children get to live with the outcome of this fool's parade a lot longer than I will. Sadly, to them this is "ho-hum", everyday, that they are used to. Maddeningly, they are probably correct. Deplorably, it seems like a prime example of the inmates running the asylum.

My solution...can't help you, they closed all the parks except the big one in DC!

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