Friday, October 4, 2013

Paradise by the dashboard lights

I was a lot younger when Meatloaf sang this. Some memories fade slowly, in this case, he says wistfully, that's not so bad. Now I find myself actually reading the lyrics...for you young folks, lyrics are real words that accompany real music. Now that you are edified, I'll ramble on. The song was a bit risque at the time...that seems humorous to me now...but so does what passes for music.

His word really told a story, one which almost all of us could identify with. Bet they are still valid today. I find that I have to place value now more on my calcium level than on my hormonal balance. Automotive gymnastics hurt more now than then. The idea is fundamentally sound, but a better venue, a more comfortable one enhances the synapses so much more than a broken gear shifter.

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