Friday, October 4, 2013

A political truth

"Taken out of context" or as we mere citizens know it, a blatant lie...aka; political truth.

If I stand back and make an attempt at self- what do I see? Someone with a modicum of intelligence, the ability to read, an abundant curiosity and an abundant sense of the ironic. The thoughts of others can be noted as comments. Perhaps in later postings I'll address then too.

I no longer attempt to stay attuned to the daily news. To much of what we are told or hear is either filler or media sound bite material. But, even I can't escape the current fiasco taking place in our nation's capitol. The working title, if it were being cast as reality TV could be; "The Blame Game: Outcome tbd!

This is not a new concept. Go back to another century and view some of Thomas Nast's work, there was plenty to work with. And, time and place don't matter either. Caesar died at the hands of the disenfranchised many centuries and thousands of miles away.

To represent is to exemplify that which is good, in this case, our nation. Or to symbolize the merits of that  same good. In short, you need to stand for something...the something your constituents require. Not what you or your master class believe in. Belief and fact are diverse things, twisted versions one of the other. Belief proven by contortion and selective history. Hearing only what you want.

Why do we keep electing these glorified "used car salesmen" that we would not buy a car from? Is it because, just like slime they float to the top? These self aggrandizing petty despots do not represent the good of our nation or of any other nation in the world. Succinctly put, they belong under the rock they slither under nightly.

I feel totally disenfranchised because not a single person represents me. In either the house or senate. My vote does not count in this state. That is both uncomfortable and unacceptable. Twice I have voted in National elections where each and every ballot mattered, but not on the local level. Here you sell old cars, join the NRA, espouse "christian beliefs" and family traditions on your way to personal glory, aka that rock you live under in DC.

The onus of the current debacle falls on the shoulders of these same "so called" representatives. Between bouts of bickering, they are the ones that create the laws. It's their function in our tri-cameral government. So, naturally they sit looking befuddled and blame the chief executive...who can not create law. Not his job. Just another media shell game. And, we, the huddled masses wait for this latest farce to play to the end.

Remember Judy Collins aptly titled hit..."Send in the Clowns!"

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