Wednesday, August 21, 2013


If you recognize the word, you have just dated yourself! In a pre-PC world they were "gender specific" boy-toys. When that term meant something a little bit different.

They were big yellow toys designed to resemble, both in appearance and usage, construction equipment. Bulldozers, for example. To dig in the dirt. If you had one then you might still have it. After all they were made from the same material as their ancestors...Steel.

And, so were the gender specific toys for girls, like the Easy bake oven. The roles were clearly defined.

Now, a lot of the best cooks are men and two good friends, undeniably female are archaeologists...they dig in the back yard. But, what a back yard. They live in Rome. To me it's like being a mouse in a cheese factory...I've died and gone to heaven!

They are the ones living in heaven, I am long past any shot at "boy-toy" and role reversal is history itself.

My Structo toys were lost years ago. In one of our moves, but the memory remains. Toy or not,I do envy my friends. Wish I was there playing in the dirt now.

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