Sunday, October 28, 2012


 It's not the name of a razor, it is the carefully constructed defence mechanism that  each of us manufactures during our life. A way to show the world who we are, what we want to be thought of, how we interact with others. Stand-offish, aloof, pompous,smart-ass, etc.

A real intelligent concept. Some people are exactly what they seem, just not that many. When I said defence mechanism, it's the perfect term. Each one of us is born equally naked and defenceless. Our parents take us through the first few years and then we start our own self defence. If you are slow of foot, mind or wit there has to be something other resource to allow you to thrive. Maybe you learn to joke, how to fight, bully, become a jock...something to make you special.

We all develop something to do this with and it becomes part of our persona...what others think when they hear our name or see us coming. The obvious problem with this is that we get older, we change, we adapt to a new order. Neither you or I can be the same person now that we were then, regardless of when "then" occurred. That is the definition of evolution. Time, change and the ability to adapt.

I, personally detest the word stupid, because it implies that someone believes that another can NOT learn. Denying that possibility is absurd. People exist that cannot learn. Those that I have met have frequently been a warm hearted, caring sort. Unassuming and non-threatening. Not to be confused with those that are merely ignorant. Unknowing. Worse, all to many seem to realize their ignorance and are proud of it. Arrogantly ignorant! What a persona to show the world. Such a great defence to the slings and arrows of the world. Exactly the type of persona that cries for reaction! Frequently a fist.

Learning isn't hard , it starts with an open, curious mind and an easily delighted curiosity. I can't imagine a world without words and reading. All of us have seen what happens when a message is passed orally, it never arrives at the destination the same as it starts. At some time in your school years one of your teachers showed you this by whispering something into the ear of student #1and then it was repeated from 1 to 2 to 3,etc. The end result did not resemble the beginning. Point? If you can't read and write your message will always end up garbled, a product of ignorance, your choice not to learn. So...if you are in the arrogantly ignorant camp you should not be using the word stupid, there is something much worse. Open your mind and learn, your heart will benefit!

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