Sunday, October 28, 2012

Los Caracoles

 In the 1970's I was forced, ok coerced into a trip. An adult trip, Brenda would watch our girls for two weeks and we would go somewhere. I didn't have a clue. Mary Ellen asked me where I might like to visit and my pick was Barcelona. My time in the Navy had taken me there and I really liked it. Still do, one of my top three.  Well Madrid, Toledo and Mallorca were also added to the agenda, as 14 days in one city wasn't that good an idea. The trip was wonderful, every bit of it, even chasing the burglar one night in Madrid. But Barcelona was the star.

And Los Caracoles was one of the most memorable dining/entertainment nights I've ever had. Let's start with this disclaimer, I have no idea what we ate...let's say paella and proceed. If the food wasn't good the evening would have been much shorter. This restaurant has been in existence  over 150 years and has remained in the same family, there's history and tradition.
The  concierge told us about this place, so we didn't know what to expect. We got a cab about 8:oo or so and a short hop took us to this alley. Go in there! Where? That bar. Really?

Really, the entrance was through the Tapas bar crowded with standing, eating, drinking, chatting Catalans. Then through the kitchen, downstairs and into the main hall...a truly grand entrance. Food, beer, wine and Flaminco! Spectacular!

It's still there and I'll bet just as good. Yes I do recommend Los Caracoles!

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