Sunday, October 28, 2012

Street Sports

City kids learn to play in the streets. Partly because the parks were not any better groomed than the streets were. At least not then and not there. The park on the "line" was bald (no grass) and so was the one off the square. The Bocci court by the church was in pretty good shape, but who played Bocci?

Equipment was a minor problem. You only needed real equipment if you were going to one of the parks anyway. If it could be thrown it was. if you could swing it, it was a bat. Broom handles the preferred option. Bottle caps, rubber balls, half rubber balls, clothes pins...perfect! Can't throw one straight, can't hit them far and certainly can't "put anyone's eye out"!

Rubber ball off the stairs, past the pitcher, a hit. Over the shrubs-4 bagger, etc. Sidewalk tennis, another rubber ball game. White pimple the choice. Pink ball if you have to. Wiffle ball invented as was frisbee just about this time. And Hula Hoops! 

Tag rush football, go down to the hydrant cut in and I'll hit you! Really? Second car, first down and telephone pole, TD.

Street hockey? Ours! Homemade nets from scratch and lots of wet clothing. Broken sticks easily repaired with new screw on attachment blades. Goalie doesn't need one! Rules to follow, or to be adjusted. 

I was a teenager, 6 foot tall and 125 pounds. My Father hated to feed me, thought he was wasting money because two or three hours later I would want more!

Side yard card tournaments, whist and hearts. Some board games in same yards. The yards were all cement so some cardboard padding was welcome.

Home made rubber band guns rivaled snub nosed water pistols. Even in class!

I still love sports, only to watch now. I still love to eat, but much closer to 200 pounds than 125. Card games and board games on occasion. The spontaneity is what I truly miss. But, you are only young once.

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