Saturday, November 23, 2013


All men are not dancing is so bad I couldn't get to watch DWTS!

If you are riding to feel "free", why do you need to ride in packs?

Language may be ever evolving, but why do the illiterate get to choose?

65 degrees...muk-luks and parkas!

My posts depend on my memory...where did I put it?

White is the sum of all colors in the is the absence. So, which one is a natural color?

Cool weather means that some of the early morning walkers are actually moving.

7:15, pre-clock changing and they are out walking. Proving once again that dogs are smarter than humans.

At a certain age, long black hair only proves that you need new glasses...or a new mirror.

What not to wear is gone. How about "Dressing from dumpsters"? 

If you look like a bum, dress like a bum, talk like a bum...wait: "This is Florida!"

Do they make fur-repellent clothing? Yep! I have a cat.

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