Saturday, November 23, 2013

Didn't work

The main concept of advertising is to entice customers, to catch their eye. Recently a couple of ads have caught mine. Actually my ears.

The first one has an actor shilling his new science program. In it, current longevity research is on the cusp of making humans immortal...within the next forty years, or so. Or, as he so drolly puts it, you will be able to marry the same person...FOREVER! Think about it. Are we 30 forever or 70?

The second one is the one I want to toy with. Several members of a family are competing for the last piece of dessert. Best story gets the prize.

This line was my choice, "I drove Gramps to speed-dating." Now this could be a case of extreme over-sharing, but the possibilities seem endless. Starting with, more women live longer than men. So, in this setting do the women "dash" from table to table? Are the tables wheelchair accessible? Do you get extra time if your "walker" jams up? How do we define "speed" here? Can you nap between "dates"? Is the "little blue pill" involved somehow? How can you tell if you win? Should you actually score and set up a real date, do you have to take a teen-ager along to remind you what to do?

As I'm writing this ,I notice that everyone here qualifies. At least on the age aspect. Hell, I'm the youngest one here!

About the ads- I don't remember either product! 
'nuff said!

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