Wednesday, November 13, 2013


My Spot is a natural for "landscape" mode...seldom, if ever does she exert sufficient effort to be in the "portrait" mode. Huh? I am saying that she doesn't move much, doesn't easily over-extend herself, vertical isn't in her acknowledged vocabulary. Food? Yes! Movement? Blank stare. Of the dozens of photos I have, exactly one has her vertical and she is not moving in that one either. 

Today I will be taking her to see the Vet. In preparation for the big upcoming trek she needs shots, etc. Her carrier is the original one, however she has somewhat more to cram in than when we first saw her. The tight fit does prevent her from hurting herself...think feline strait jacket. This is also her least favorite thing. She will be snuggling tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, You can it. We fit our two in one although it may also hold a small dog. Good luck.


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