Friday, November 8, 2013


Long ago, Thor, Mars and Odin were gods. Now they are comic book or movie "super heroes." Really not sure whether that is a positive, negative or lateral move.

Throughout history mankind has had a fondness for invisible, omnipotent beings...gods. Each culture, from Aztec to Zorastrian has had a polytheist, usually warrior-like or monotheist, sometimes less warrior-like plethora of them. The more learned we became, the calmer our "gods" seemed. Or, at least until HAL in 2001. The more unschooled we were, the more "terrible his vengeance."

But, once we get past all the wonderful concepts and beautiful words the tragic truth is, more humans have been killed in the name of "God" than any other single scourge. While we and all our governments expend every ounce of energy to eradicate cancer, Heart disease, Alzheimer's. etc we not only condone the number one killer we subsidize it. So, I propose new laws be enacted. Let's put the world's two oldest professions on equal footing. Legalize the one and tax the both, thus creating more revenues and a safer workplace for many.

As for me...if I want an invisible friend there is always, Casper...Harvey...or my personal favorite, Topper's martini sipping St. Bernard, Neil.

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