Friday, March 7, 2014

The good gardener knows

As a gardener I am aware that under each rock that I turn something nasty will scurry away. But, as a voter, I know that all those nasty creatures are searching for the"home rock" in Washington.  Where no one dares turn it over!

It takes a special sort of person to perceive themselves  as superior to each and every person that helped elect them. More able to "properly" conduct someone else's life than that person himself. As a starter, perhaps arrogant, certainly self-centered and most likely affluent...after all over fifty percent of those we elect are millionaires.

Just how does our one vote matter? After all, we can can only choose from what is on the plate and they are either self selected or chosen by the "king makers" in charge. Do any of the people on our platter in the last several elections remind you in any way at all of a truly decent choice as a leader? They all seem to be cast from the same mold of panderers, pimps and moral cowards. Choosing the way of least resistance instead of attempting to correct any obvious failures. CYA is their central mantra, using "party" as subterfuge. Why is compromise tabu? It has always worked before and has a funny way of weeding out the truly absurd aspects of proposed bills. 

When I was younger my opinion was different. I thought that we elected leaders, not despots, petty tyrants, cheats, liars and buffoons. I was young. McCarthy and Nixon came from that era. I was also delusional!

If Cerberus was sitting at the doors of Congress would he be howling at the moon? Or, shaking all of his heads in disgust?
The pols may think of it as a Country Club, but it actually smells much more like an unwashed kennel club!

Perhaps our elected elite should pay more attention to an old Groucho Marx quote; "I wouldn't belong to a club that would have me!"
...and slither or scurry on down the road!

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