Sunday, March 30, 2014

Max-ims, again

Organizational skills, or, I know where it used to be...
70 years of accumulate "wealth" into a 360 square foot box, good luck on that!

How did your day start? Mine? I reached into my underwear drawer and then tried to put what I thought was a pair of shorts...not! Tee-shirt, awkward!

RV owners are perceived as old and uncertain drivers. Partly correct, I am certain...get off my road!

"Bean counters" are human too! They may lack in social skills and relevance, but they are human..."sub-human!"

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" SHE said.

This one is beyond my comprehension, "self-analysis"...Hell, most of us don't realize that we snore, or that we bite our nails. If we are that unaware of our physical traits, how can we be expected to analyze our own mental state?

Who you are matters! The rest is window dressing.

Henny Penny: "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"...or was that "talk radio?"
Response: If you were a banker you would never have noticed it!

Measuring up to your parents is a tough proposition and sometimes life just isn't fair. For instance, Mom hears these words from her daughter, "Mom ,I just got a wonderful job at the new "Gentleman's Club." After she finally lands, Mom makes a call and she too gets a job at the same club. There only two slight differences, Mom keeps her clothes on and she makes more money! It isn't fair...but, true!

The "Good Book" teaches tolerance...unless you dare disagree with it!

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