Wednesday, January 15, 2014


A top ten quote...#1? From the world renowned philosopher, Popeye..."I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam!

There is a huge fundamental difference between walking...and walking with someone!

Life is an amalgam of what you are taught, what you learn and how you apply it. The sum, should be, more than the total of the parts!

Mix words...mince not mince words!

Thinking allows your curiosity, knowledge and logic to steep in the same cauldron. Brewing something new.

What I like may affect you. What you like probably will affect me. And, what we like could affect many.

Says an awful lot when the number one reason to return to where you dwell is in your bathroom! That first shower with unlimited hot water, damn that's joy!

I didn't exchange my euros for dollars...think that's a subliminal plot thread?

It has been wonderful reading the beautiful things my friends said about me on Facebook. The best thing about it is that they aren't part of my eulogy!

Beliefs; no thought required.

She has no "off" button and the term "silence is golden" is equally meaningless, sounds like she suffers from Blitherer's Disease!

Quote; "Painting is silent poetry."  Plutarch

How old am I? So old that I remember singers wearing clothes!

Isn't the object of writing to convey your thoughts and express your "self" in the way that you truly feel about yourself?

"It", whatever "it" is...does it matter? Perhaps it isn't a "silver bullet", maybe it won't cure anything but, does it "harm" anything? Does it make you feel better?...then go for it!

Why expend energy on something of little or no import? Do you enjoy aggravation? Why care? Tilting at windmills has never been a successful enterprise. Reflect on the absurd, laugh, smile...the photos will look much better.

Let's return to, how old am I...did a survey here on Facebook to discern the difference between my actual age and my mental age. My daughter did it first and was about 11 years younger than her real age. I was almost fifty years younger...I had not met her Mother yet. There's a problem here...

Teenagers strive to be different and end up conforming to the current in vogue style. As they age they begin to rage about the things or people different than themselves. At best contradictory, but much more likely abjectly intolerant. Return to the youthful concept of acceptance. Anything is better than intolerance. Even a sham.

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