Monday, January 20, 2014

Zombie Jamboree

The sky is pink on the horizon, but it is still dark as I head off to breakfast. Passing beneath the 34th street underpass I see a glint of light sparkling in front of me. It's a bicycle and it's followed by a horde of zombies! Actually they are the daily cast of characters stumbling, shambling and skittering their way from the methadone clinic to their bus stop on the opposite side of the street. As I brake to avoid them, I am wondering how anyone can be so totally impervious to their surroundings. Do they feel omnipotent?  Are they so totally withdrawn from reality that they neither sense nor feel anything? Maybe all the above.

Each and every one of these poor souls was at one time the glint in their Mother and Father's eyes...their pride, their joy. Now they are reduced to this semi-somnolent state. Yelling and screaming to be heard, but nothing to say. Instinctively herding together for safety and to be seen, but they have turned themselves into the invisible. They are not seen, nor heard. 

Do they still feel? I don't know. I am reminded of something said over a pulpit years ago..."do they not bleed?" No answer. I just wish to avoid harming one of them. However poor their chances are, however low their hopes, I do not want to be the one that removes that rapidly dimming chance to return to humanity.

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