Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The first person to make an axe probably heard this, "I told you it would work!" And, that makes the first tool- language. Without language, the ability to convey ideas between us we would still be painting on cave walls with chalk.

If you are 100% in agreement with someone then 100% boredom should follow, after all what do you have to talk about?

How very ironic that the person you know, the one most likely to have been in the most churches is me?

As a teenager, if I wanted to go somewhere, I walked, took a bus or rode my bike. I was actually married before I owned a car. Now? Some of those things are a bit different. Not always better, but different.

How does one define normal? Who makes that decision? Can normal change? What are the parameters of normal?  Why do we care? When should normal affect us? Where will normalcy lead us? An Orwellian Utopia?

From a new ad...we are all born unique. Then why do we spend so much of our lives trying to assimilate? Are we leading and living our own lives or just following the lemming in front? 

Yesterday I put off some chores because it was raining. It is worse today, if I put the same chores off again am I a procrastinator?
Or should I wait until tomorrow?

A rose is a rose is a rose...sometimes. In British "English" a bonnet  is something other than the American bonnet. Same with pecker and many more. Poor computer! Can't do a decent translation in the same language! Who knew?

Fun and foibles. Don't know what I'll use that for, but it's a wonderful working title.

How does one "kill time"? What is the weapon of choice? Is it a "capital" crime? Hope they don't catch me...think I just committed a crime.

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