Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Don Quixote Moment

I have never heard this said; "Let's go put to eat and maybe there will screaming children running around, I think that's so cute!"

Last weekend at breakfast a woman came in and sat at the booth in front of me. She had two little girls with her, "nice" and "not so". "Not so" proceeded to run the gamut of obnoxious, from whines to whimpers and a few more. "Nice" sat there and watched. Mom, no make that oblivious Mom, read. I finished as quickly as possible and went to the supermarket. Surprise the oblivious Mom has a twin. This child a screamer. 

Kids learn by pushing the envelope. Your parental duty is to place the parameters in the right place. Those boundaries you set should be concise and appropriate to the situation. Above all you have to behave responsibly your self. Someone is going to teach your child how to act. A few well placed words or even (gasp) a spanking can save little darlin' from a fist or two later. It is your job, duty and obligation. We had zero responsibility for the little screamers creation.

Just sayin'!

Later on I saw an ad on TV for a show about man caves. In this clip they showed a "time-out" bench with handcuffs! It's a start. Maybe we can an amendment added to the constitution...better, perhaps I can get the franchise rights! Place it in the middle of the parking lot like a cart corral. Secluded!

I do not like having meal messed with.

From the windmills of my mind. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, with that sort of luck, your flight to Rome with have you with a screamer on one side and a nose picker on the other!

    We have moved on from spanks, now he gets a choice, grounding or "licks" ( 13 for a 13 year old). It's been 2 years at least since he chose the licks.


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