Friday, September 6, 2013

Slow Learner

A dream, a purpose, an aim, a goal or a pursuit, they are different names for something I always felt I was missing in my own life. 

When I was seventeen and a new high school graduate there was no plan. I was out of school, that was all I knew. Where I was headed, how, why or when were all unanswerable. How anyone could know their destiny at that age was incomprehensible. 

Perhaps not as much anymore. I know a couple of real bright young people that seem to have the focus that I lacked. College credit courses while still in high school, work, travel and the ability to converse with all ages. Pretty impressive. Not family. So this isn't patting my own back. Parental guidance is a great part of this self-determination, but they have personality and positive, hopeful outlooks. 

I am no longer anywhere near my teens, I may have even missed my second or third childhoods as well, but I finally realize that there was some guidance in my own path. Much more indirect and unchanneled, but there, regardless.  

It would seem that my natural love of travel would have been self-evident. That my innate curiosity, my desire to see things up close and personal would have been obvious. I don't want to observe life by the snapshots of others, indeed I want to take those shots. 

No Conestoga wagon, no camel caravan but my own "land turtle", one honkin' big RV.  While a lot of folks have a bucket list, mine seems to have a leak. Check an item off and Voila! Two more appear, kind of reminds me of the Sorcerer's Apprentice.  

There are so many things for me to do before I commence this next twist in the path. Still doing lists and plans. Many others doing the RV thing also do blogs. So when I do hit the road this will continue to be my chosen method of keeping everyone "in the loop". And, there's a return to Rome for the holidays. Then, my new reality will start.

Westward ho!

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