Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I feel in love with Italy on our first trip. When we got off the plane in Venice and boarded a water taxi to the hotel. That was my magic moment...NOT Grace's, she was the only passenger on the boat to get wet. Another boat crossed a wake and Grace got soaked. The fact that our luggage was also lost did come up later!

Rome was equally fast. We arrived after dark by bus and as we passed through Piazza Repubblica, our guide, Vanni warned us about Roman traffic, "be careful, here in Rome traffic signals are mere suggestions". I was hooked then and nothing has ever changed my mind.

Our third trip introduced us to the Campo dei Fiori and our new "home" and "family". We were both totally mesmerized by the city and the people. This was going to be our home. I was walking around with a dictionary and a note book. Jotting down terms and trying to learn. For the next visit we first went to the consulate in order to obtain visas. And here is the WHY. Why we don't live here and why I don't stay. Bureaucracy! We needed to have assets amounting to $1,000,000.00...I didn't then and don't now. It explains, not well, but explains why I no longer carry my dictionary. I simply will not fight battles that I have no chance of winning.
It isn't fair to any of you, mi dispiace!

Next why. Facebook. How does he tie this in you ask? Well, it's how I keep in touch with most of you. It is not perfect, but it works pretty good most of the time. Between my blog and Facebook, most of you can be informed, most of the time. Why am I here this time. First to fulfill Graces wishes. And I have. Second to surround myself with caring, loving people in order to try and return to a more positive place. I have only added more of you to my list of friends. And this is the place that Facebook does its best. When I return stateside your faces and memories will be on the screen in front of me.I see  friends, people I love and care for. Not perfect images, but while you are all beautiful to me none of our images are perfect. I have never chosen a friend based on anything other than how we get along.

...and I still have two months left!

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