Sunday, May 12, 2013


So, I am still cosi,cosi but I can't stay in the apartment. And, today...for your entertainment a demonstration! Perhaps later I'll know what it's all about, but for now just sit back while I scribble.

When I came down earlier for a coffee the police were already taking up positions...that is they got to the coffee before me.They do know their way around here, but mostly at night handling drunk students.The vendors are oblivious, setting up shop as usual. Claiming these are "bad" idealists with nothing better to do with themselves.

The vendors have signs up, the demonstrators too, but the vendors signs are legible not only in script but also by those that the signs are aimed at. What good is a sign that means nothing to the ones they are aimed at? This one turned out to be the rights of women to have control over their own bodies...I think, clarity not part of the issue. Noise, amplifiers and slogans are. A march started, but I don't know where it went...or if it did. Confusion also a big player here.

I left, grabbed the camera and headed north...Ah the sound of whirlybirds, almost forgot how much helicopters have invaded the Italian life-style, but you simply cannot have a good demonstration without them. And there was another demonstration coming through Piazza Venezia, so I got onto via Nationale and left that one without ever getting close.

Photos, fountains, baths, Bernini, chiesi, etc and the morning was shot. A slow amble back to the Campo is slowed even more by the police again protecting a bike race. a very busy day in city. 

Had lunch (Pranza) next door at Baccanale. A dish I will look up on return and make. I've had it a couple of times and it hits all the right buttons...cost, ease, taste double down on ease and taste both! Spaghetti with escarole the prime ingredients and its pretty much from the 1,2,3 concept. Recipe will follow.

1 comment:

  1. Really consider collecting recipes. There are few ways to make you remember how amazing Rome is. Food has a strange way of making lesser occasions, special. Like zucchini bread or popovers, Must haves for thanksgiving. --KGS


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