Monday, May 27, 2013

Higher Learning

Young adults-responsible, young adults...not really. Back in the day we called them drunks. These pieces don't normally get written, because I rewrite them out of existence. Thus clearing the air, clearing my mind and avoiding offence. Some body damned well should take offence. 

My apartment is exactly where I want it, two blocks from my "Campo office". Yet every night between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00 AM my apartment magically transports itself to precisely the wrong place, mid-stream drunk alley! Everyone tells that the police are in the Campo, mostly breaking up fights. So they never quite get to my place before the drunken louts have left. 

Yes this is a negative piece and I hope the only one I ever do. And, it's an equal opportunity piece as well. Last night was Roma night. The two soccer teams in Rome played each other. A winner, a loser and oh so many broken beer bottles. But the night before belonged to those gallant young knights from Chicago, Pennsylvania and Canada trying desperately to connect with equally drunk young females.Without as much success as they had urinating and vomiting. Those place names were the ones I heard most frequently in the hour or so they were beneath my window...not any figment or dream sequence.

Good luck to you lucky parents back home. Good luck to you, your progeny and your depleted bank accounts. On the other hand the Italian government thanks you for your efforts to help keep part of their economy "afloat"!

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