The meaning of Christmas and most religious holidays, to me has always been about we humans rising above our own troubles and trying to show each other care, concern and love. Individual beliefs aside most religions preach these precepts. The very ideas that you want your children to grow up believing in. Peace, love and understanding.Tolerance too.
What happened? Where did these concepts disappear to? When did the merchants take the forefront? Black Friday? That didn't exist when I was young. Were the old days better? Simpler? No! They just were different, do your kids have A-bomb drills now? We did. So simpler, easier doesn't apply. It sure looks like the holiday season has been "Grinched"!
I was going to do this blurb after Christmas. Then some some poor deranged idiot in Connecticut walks into a k-12 and sprays the world with his rage, killing himself at the end. No answers here, only more questions that will never be settled. Understanding such rage, such desperation, such hatred is beyond my comprehension...nor do I wish to comprehend. That would indicate that I was like minded.
Life does not proceed in a straight line. I've noticed quite a few bends in my road, but what lie's around the corner is the carrot that keeps me going. Those qualities that all the religions preach should be more of a norm than "a holiday special"! If you take those precepts and condense them into one word, that word should be "humanity". That is how we should think, act and be defined. So when you go around that bend the next time forget religion, just act with humanity. A start has to be made.
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