We in the United States have many rights. Murder does NOT happen to be one. Nothing in any law passed has ever even intimated such a thing. Six weeks ago I wrote a blurb about guns and I will probably have more opportunities in the future. Our elected representatives owe their political soles to lobbyists, not us the electorate. So we and our children suffer, and die for their cowardice. Not even the shooting of one of their own moves them. Yesterday in Connecticut a terrible person did horrendous things and everyone remotely connected to these poor families will have their lives altered, not for the better! If you want the right to bear arms, join the Army! Be a cop! Be useful, not part of the apologist fringe.
A murderer is a murderer by any name. It's also a specious claim, one trying to make us believe that someone with the desire to kill will find a way. That simply doesn't hold water. A gun allows you to be removed from your act like no other weapon of choice. Their is more accountability required to drive a car or to get married than to buy a gun! If in all of the public shootings that have taken place during my life the perpetrator had a baseball bat, a knife, even a bow and arrow think of the lives saved. Guns allow anyone to be a mass killer! If they were rules and regulations in place the need to defend your home argument disappears. Make it so.
While my wife lies in the hospital fighting the good fight one more time, she has missed her favorite season with all of its joy and hope. There will be a next year for her, but for all those families in Newtown, with trees up, decorated and presents under them all of our thoughts and best wishes can't change yesterday and what one deranged idiot with a gun did.

This is my on line "Collector's Cabinet". It is non-profit and haphazard at best. I leave it to you to sort through and make sense of.The views are mine. The collection reflects some of my interests. But the material must be credited to the vast internet. Otherwise, I never would have been able to amass such a treasure trove. The purpose of this exercise is entertainment, naturally mine, but even more so yours. So, please let me know if anything strikes a chord with you.
Max, I am quite impressed with the way you wrote that piece. Way more powerful than my thoughts the other day and also 10 months ago when I wrote to my two senators and my congressman. You hit the nail on the head when you stated numerous other ways a murder could be committed, but with very little human (physical) contact with intended victims, and much less devastation than assault weapons can do. I loved your closing words stating if you want to shoot guns join the military, or become a cop.
ReplyDeleteSo now I’m going to ask you for your help. If you haven’t done this already, would you consider sending that entire statement to your senators and your congressman? Our congressmen and congresswomen need to be bombarded with all the letters and phone calls and requests for meetings that they can handle. BEYOND what they can’t handle!! They need to hear from as many people as we can muster to write them, to call them, to ask for meetings with them. I am doing just that right now. I have written to my congressman again today requesting a meeting with him. I sent him an email ten months ago and again the same one today (with a request for the meeting). I wrote to the three of them last year, 10 months ago, after the Uvalde, Texas massacre. I heard back from one of them, Senator Ed Markey. I don’t know what the hell Congress is doing but I sure as hell know what they’re not doing. It’s Completely out of control and certain members of Congress could give a shit. They are still doing NOTHING to help this situation. After the Texas murders last year I thought for sure there would be some positive things happening. I thought almost certain Congress would ban assalt weapons long before now, long before today. But it hasn’t happened yet. It hasn’t even come close and I’m sick. I’m just sick of all this , dear God Almighty this has to end. Max please let me know if you’ve sent any of them letters and/or called their office. Anything, please. If you haven’t done either of those yet, please do Max. Please please do.