We had the house, the cat in the window and two cars in the yard. The wedding was the final touch. Many discussions and decisions later, here we were.
Our plan started with getting a permit so we could block the street. First we advised all of the neighbors and gave them open invitations to the ceremony. It was to be on our front steps, the wrap around porch that made us buy the house. Grace knew a Justice of the Peace through work connections. Flowers by Grace with an assist from Dad. Limo from Whitney, his old Bentley, sitting beautifully in our driveway, Julie at attention.
Pre-wedding music over the speakers from the Theater Dept at Salem State...William Tell, the Lone Ranger theme for the uninitiated, then the Wedding March. Brother Tom the Best Man and daughters, Kathy and Laurie the Bridesmaids. Gorgeous summer day...great day to be in a wool tux! Family here from Florida, Texas, Carolinas, California and more. Our parents sitting up front. Sister Brenda the belle of the ball, everyone (guys) wanted to be introduced! A couple of weeks later I was asked, "Who was the girl in the black dress?" Grace was still the main attraction, so we didn't care that the younger people were so beautiful.
The ceremony was a short one. Our plans were to have a great big party and not much pomp and ceremony. After all we were not twenty-somethings. Ceremony complete, well-wishers having completed their congratulations we are in the Limo and off. Remember I said old Bentley? Overheating was a bit of a problem. We arrived late for our reception, but happy.
Tradition did not factor into our planning. Our intro music was picked to set the stage , The March of the Marionettes, or the Alfred Hitchcock theme. My brother in a huge floppy stage prop hat and tux guides my Mother to her seat and we are next. Hitchcock commences and we shamble/stutter to our seats...let the party begin.
That was nearly twenty years ago, Nic and Jess are no longer crawling on the floor, Britney is married and the memory of the day is still bright. Yep, still having fun, let's keep going!
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