Grace and I have spent the majority of our lives in or near Boston...a large city with a history of its own. Our travels have taken us west, north and south to other cities, parks, places throughout the country. Each and every trip was a wonderful experience. Each place one I would enjoy returning to. And yes, I Love New York! When I reach out and touch someone in the Campo dei Fiori I get hugged and kissed. Nowhere else does that happen. I believe that I am the same person wherever I stand, therefore there must be something special about a place where care, warmth and love are so readily given. My heart has never left, Bruno will always have a companion...two, Grace is my more than willing side-kick on this journey. As I write this there two friends traveling in Italy, one soon to reach the eternal city and one that just departed. Hope that both of you see some of what I see.
If you need a rest, a hug, a kind word ask our friends in the Campo, tell them Max and Grace said you need a hug...I doubt that they'll disappoint.
Wine Bar 36 in the Campo dei Fiori, tell them we sent you...and...mi manchi!
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