Thursday, October 11, 2012

Billy's Stoop

Everett, Mass in the '50's was a city of nearly 48,000 people. You could, if young and inspired actually walk into Boston. Of course the T only cost 10 much for inspiration. 

The majority of the people were first or second generation Italian. The block we lived on was a bit more mixed, whites, blacks, catholics, protestants...but all definitely working class.Our parents worked at trucking companies, paint factories, steel mills and restaurants. Large families still the norm. The street was our playground...tag football...go to the 1st hydrant, cut left and I'll hit you! Stickball...we used a broomstick and half a rubber ball or an old clothes pin, no one could throw one straight! Street hockey well into the dark. No one got hurt because the snow slowed the cars to a crawl to start with. Camping out in the Truman's back yard, across the street. Lionel trains in Bill and Carl's cellar. Ok you'll notice there are so many things missing that today's kid takes for granted. Not going there! Imagination was there and we had fun. Our parents knew we were around somewhere and only had to yell or send a sister to get you.

We grew, went through puberty and discovered that not all girls were like your sisters. And, sitting on Billy's stoop, we discussed and solved the world's problems. Why not we were 15 or 16 and had more solutions than the world had problems. Sadly we were wrong. But, I''ll always look back on those hours arguing, debating, discussing and resolving as the best of my youth.

All of us are older, I was 15 in 1958. Most have moved. Some have died. I miss the good hearted companionship of the time, the place and my friends. Today's 21st century world may still have these warm enclaves but they've escaped me. Age? Perception? Truth? Convince me with your answer!

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