Sunday, May 22, 2016

Is it only me?

How is it I didn't cut myself? Razor in hand, I rapidly remove the few offending bristles and voila, done. How did I do that? Perhaps there was a vision in the mirror and I missed it, but there is no memory of seeing anything but water and whatever running down the drain. Perhaps I just described why self analyzation works so poorly, one doesn't even see himself...let alone clearly.

Those constantly belittling others are only trying to level the playing field.

Each and every night the routine continues...Syria, Liberia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan...did I miss any? All those nations and more doing exactly as the NRA would have us do with the results already in. Incredible!

It isn't as if I would n't enjoy writing something beautiful, positive, joyful, but...what?

What was it I did to become invisible?
Oh, I got old, shame on me.

Sharing an experience is good. Learning good from it, the best!

Siblings day? So many days of remembrance that young people can't remember them all, let alone we "elders". Well at least we don't have to work those days...damned retirement! We lose again.

Because all politicians start off with the word I, their veracity is instantly at question. It isn't their common failure to live up to their promises. It is the simple fact that the office that they seek can not, by law, do what they either individually or collectively promise'
Ergo; he lies!

A flaw.
...a fence to be funded by the tax payer to keep out the riff raff. You know, those on the other side of the fence. This fence is to uphold the claims of those that stole the land from those on the other side way back when. Irony? They are coming anyway, but in electric carts through tunnels under that bright shiny fence! Once here, they to can pay taxes for the upkeep of that bright shiny fence!

The game of life? Do you know the odds of winning that game?

I'm halfway into my fourth generation. I walk slower, I eat less (lie), I take meds and I grump more. And now I am writing about it, don't ask, I don't remember!

A group of hungry people are seated in  the restaurant, each tuned in to his own personal device...oh, so very important. So busy they can't be bothered to acknowledge the waitress and when they realize that their coffee is cold, majestically raise their hand for attention, the astonishment on their faces is a joy to behold. The waitress is texting someone on her device.

While the laundry tumbled, spun and dryed I stood pondering the many proper folding techniques for folding ones clean and dry clothing. By the the time the answer dawned on me I had already donned some of the newly fabrics. If you just take them out of the dryer as needed one need not even fold them! Miracle!
to be filed under; "procrastination saves time!"

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