Thursday, August 6, 2015

If only---

We have commenced the loons and lemmings season. All of the would be messiahs are busily inching their heads out from under their favorite rocks. Each insisting that he (she) can help us live our lives better, under his/her leadership , than we are currently doing without it.

All of you know who I am talking about, the saccharine saviors that surface every four years seeking to lead us to a bright new moral, patriotic and economically stable future. At this point we will divest ourselves of reality, simply because none of them start with clean houses themselves. From Trump to frump they scream of "the good fight", "moral indignation", "the cause", etc. Arrogant, power hungry petty despots seeking public admiration...and a buck or two along the way. Yetch!

Save, save us from the saviors!

Does anyone have a clue just what an "ad hoc" committee is? Other than a clarion call for all these public feeders at the trough, that is. Has any one out there ever been asked their thoughts on these buffoons? I haven't. 

Now this is where I wish fiction was the true reality. Because we could jump into H.G. Wells' Time Machine and flip the dial to a day just after the election. Next, we would accumulate all the results and other pertinent information, ie costs, and return to the present. 

With this info on hand we fine each of the losers for the cost of each of his/her vanity trip plus triple damages for our collective pain, anguish and suffering. With this money in hand the national budget should balance with perhaps a little left over so the next generation might get edumacated!!!

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