Monday, May 12, 2014

On the fly..

It is 8:20 and I am sitting here (Panera) having a Cappuchino and a cornetto (Scone). It seems so similar, but it isn't. 

The last weeks have seen me starting my new page. I left the comforts of my house, got rid of all sorts of "stuff" and moseyed on down the road. Because there was nothing truly planned, my plan is going amazingly well. Spring training, watching the Red Sox get ready for the season was more fun than expected and the reception at my first way-station far surpassed my hope. I had so much fun and made lots of new friends there...already missing them. 

Now I am using my Florida residency by staying in state parks as I proceed. This first one is much different than the first one I visited in Tampa. Much more quiet. Good. I think I needed it. Next sunday I will be heading to the next stop, a couple of hundred miles or so to the north. I am just moving slowly, adjusting to the vehicle, the way of life and enjoying what pops up. By the end of this month I will be nearing the end of my time here in Florida. Pensacola and the museum, along with the Battleship in Mobile, Alabama will be my last time spent here for who knows how long. I thought I had a much more definite thought on Florida, but the people I have already met have changed that. Once again, using the word "never" is a wrong turn in the road. 

Each new aspect of the voyage is going to be played the same way; a little planning and a lot of enjoyment. That's the reason I 'm doing this. There is family from here to the coast, old friends as well and hopefully new ones as well. This is a huge task. The canvas is peopled with vistas and expectations, known and unvisited...and friends I haven't encountered. 

Texas in June? It will be a "dry heat!" I hope. California in July? Still a dry heat? Oregon...we know that won't be a "dry" anything. Here goes nothing...

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