Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tough? Cool?

A couple of months ago I remarked on some words Bill Cosby had spoken. Most of the "life-situations' he was addressing have become even more blatant, more "in your face" than at that time. The on-going fiasco that has taken over the news out of Miami indicates a cultural mind-set that is abhorrent. 

An article by Jason Whitlock on Fox news is even more to the point. The inner city youth are growing up with a thug as there object of adoration. The image they "respect" and hope to become. "Might is right", wrong then, more so now.

Being perceived as a tough guy is more important than actually being smart. Respect is not something earned by good deeds, but by exploiting weaker or better thinking people. By being the antithesis of what your parents should be hoping for. Mean spirited, arrogantly ignorant and 100% bigoted...don't 'diss me man! They can't even speak intelligently. Do not tag this as racial. All the disaffected youth are growing older under equally dismal chances of escape. Escape to the burbs, where there is still a chance to learn and advance. Not much hope in the big city where schools are more housing for the downtrodden than educational facilities. 

Now, a thug with a history longer than the sleeves covering his 'tats is their hero. Condemning himself in public with one non-answer.He certainly can't claim to be uneducated...he's been thrown out of more schools than you or I ever attended. Classes? Probably ones on media relations.

The owner is appalled and changes will be made. Fairly certain of change. The NFL won't let this travesty last long. Best if the owner did do something first. The franchise is an original member of the old AFL, has a great history with truly great athletes. The fans and the team deserve better than this.

These are not just "regular Joes" going off to work in a "tough" workplace. These are behemoths playing a "kids game" for huge salaries, adulation and glory. They have failed. Do you want your children and grandchildren calling these jerks heroes?

How this perception, "strength through thuggery", can be allowed to exist completely eludes me. We, as a nation, have fought wars over this concept. How can we, on the one side tell a woman that it is NOT acceptable for her daughter to goad and bully another into her death and then accept this?

Something that saddens me is the ease with which names, instances and facilities come to my mind. Pennsylvania, Foxboro, New Orleans...all scandalized, all besmirched, all making every attempt to adjust, to learn. But, it continues. 
Morals start at the top...let's start.

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