Thursday, November 28, 2013


Most of my life I lived in the greater Boston area. Sports were a passion and a pleasure. They are still a part of my daily ablutions. Nothing happens before the sports pages and a coffee. I have seen "true" stars perform, but not always for good teams.The city now has three championship caliber teams and the fourth on a path to revitalization...what other city can make that claim?

Why Boston? Because each of the teams seems to grasp the concepts required. The obvious, good players...bums don't win! But, even the good players need good leadership, a good gameplan, a sense of direction and continuity. From ownership to the grounds crew everyone must play together well. No "mac" against the world heroics will ever survive and win in sports. The proof of that can be read in the daily sports pages anywhere in the world. Yes, the players must be good, but, the decision makers need be better. And, it helps to have Tom Brady.

Maybe having an owner willing to dedicate himself and the required assets to creating this type of environment is the hardest role to fill. One that can leave his ego outside the park and hire accordingly...hello Bob Kraft.

Hello Bill Belichick!

If I can see this, how hard is it to see?

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