Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Building Blocks

Once again we awake to a world altered by the delusions of ignorance. Death and destruction are not building blocks. I have been watching the world unfold in front of me for nearly 70 years and there is not one single, positive action or reaction that results from violence. Violence is counter productive...it has exactly the opposite affect that the agent had in mind. Every story today will speak to our convictions and ideals. We will get to the bottom of this...we will find and bring to justice...in short we will be just as violent, or more so.  It didn't work for the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Germans, Napoleon, Mussolini, Idi Amin. It has never worked. Speaks well of the human condition that collectively over our entire existence we have failed to learn something so obvious.

Simplistic answers, such as  "just say no" or "turn the other cheek"  will not return those taken from us. Or ease the suffering of those left maimed and emotionally scarred. Neither will blowing up more people in retaliation. Hasn't worked in my lifetime, hasn't worked ever!

Someone did this. A "Cause" will come forward. I've seen a lifetime of causes, but no solutions. I like people, is that simple enough?  A founding principle of our nation is that each and every one of us has the Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   That was permanently removed yesterday for at least three of us.

Education is the only solution to ignorance. Education is something that should begin at home. Ignorance does! Education perhaps. It just never gets any further. If you are brought up to hate, well, that is what you will learn. What I feel right now is despair. Ignorance is a void. You require an open, inquisitive mind in order to see that there can be a better solution. Parents need to perform the function of educator long before and long after the teachers get their task. Yesterday showed the world that we are all still struggling with that task. 

Maintain that struggle..it is our best answer to ignorance, prejudice and despair.

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