Thursday, January 10, 2013

He'll never learn to read

 Oh how I delight in that one. My first grade teacher actually told my Mother that. A year later, my second grade teacher made me stand in front of the other teacher and read from a fourth grade primer. Vengeance is mine!

Baseball may have been my first love, but I can still read even if baseball is well beyond my skill level. And, because reading engenders imagination, I can imagine playing baseball...not that well, even imagination can't hit a curve ball.

Libraries are the best thing our government has ever done for its citizens, I think the National Park System is right beside them on the list. Both provide a free service that helps everyone learn, be informed and to use ones imagination.

Library cards are now part of a computer system. When I was young there was a slip of paper glued into each book that was stamped when the book moved in or out of the system. for this to happen the librarian had to write and stamp the same info on your card. After both sides filled up you needed to replace it. Seems cumbersome, but it worked. I was a member of the 3 card club (non-existent), that is I went through at least three cards a year. I learned to read, write and to spell. Wish more of us could say the same thing.

Question, if you can't spell, how do you make your thoughts clear to others? If you can't spell, it's not possible to use spell-check, because you would have to know which solution offered is correct!

Thanks Dominic for the chance to climb on my soapbox one more time!
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