Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Grand Plan

 ...I messed it up!

Let's back it up a bit. My father (Max to all of us) had a ritual. He would come home from work and sit on the front stoop having a smoke and perhaps a beer or two "chillin'"...long before that was an acceptable term. He chatted with all the other folks on their way home, including two sisters that lived up  the street, Brenda and Mary Ellen. As a matter of fact he had chosen one for me...unbeknown  to them or me!

I got out of the Navy 9/1/61 and had arrived home later that day. The next day was my birthday and I was trying to figure where on earth my stuff was going to go. After all there were ten other siblings already living there. I hear Max yelling from downstairs to come down. A peek out the window and I'm on my way downstairs for my birthday present. The posted picture kind of gives the rest of the story away. We were married the next June and lived happily until it broke. Things do happen that are not part of your plan, sometimes you shouldn't do so much planning. Not one of us resembles ourselves as in this picture...good! Laughter is the best way to view it, both then and now.

The best line...I married the sister that my father did NOT choose! He was wrong, our friendship has worked out pretty well over all this time. Grace, Brenda, Elizabeth and Mary Ellen were once called the "Murphy" girls by one guest at a wedding. Grace and her Italian roots laughed just as hard as the others. The good memories last and so do good friendships. We hope that there will be another party or two in the future...or brunch on Christmas morning.
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