Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Not gonna happen!

Today is the day we've all been waiting for. It's election day and I am soooooo excited! Eight billion dollars spent to elect someone to a job that doesn't pay as well as a Utility Infielder makes in Kansas City! I've reached the stage where I am looking forward to seeing commercials for Preparation H, Pristine, Smoking causes cancer and other more upbeat lies.

This country has survived many truly awful presidents and the Truly excellent have only made marginal differences. All the promises will be forgotten until the next election and the word progress put back into the safety deposit box. What the Hell is "progress"? Is it progress when a governor lops a billion or two off the education budget and then puts half of it back... Is it allowing the very causes (banks) of the newest, greatist recession to go unscathed, unpunished, unregulated, but instead letting them add new fees that we get to pay?

Here's an idea, fix the roads. That creates jobs and the roads need fixing...so do the bridges, tunnels, levees and utilities. What about a cohesive energy program? Call it what you will, but wouldn't a nationalized utility board be better than what we have? Why is the USA lagging behind so many nations in education...is it not a problem if you don't acknowledge it? What about the insurance companies? They certainly take your money quickly enough, no questions there, thank you...try getting something from them back. You'll find that you no longer speak the same language. Accountability, if it wasn't for spell check no politician could spell the word. On the flip side they don't have a problem with deniability!

Paragraph, "co-operation for the common good"!!!!!!!!!

Paragraph, "compromise"!!!!!!!

Paragraph, Do wtf you were elected to do!!!!!!!!!

Where did the 99% group disappear to? They were discordant, confused and dis-sheveled, but they were right.

Is there still a silent majority, a moral anything? Morality and pacs have no commonality. Permitting the rich to hide behind the guise of being "an entity" just like an individual is something not even Machiavelli could come up with. But our duly elected representatives did. Hooray and hallelujah!

Disgusted, is that going to be a permanent condition or an epitaph?

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