Friday, February 7, 2014

A time and space continuem...

There are moments when I feel like I am on the bridge of the Enterprise, everything is at warp-speed. With only 28 days in this month, to begin, with the last thing I needed was for the auctioneer to tell me that they were coming on the 24th, thus taking four more days away of the already terribly short month. Beh! Basta!

The expectation everyone most likely has, is that I will flee west the moment the house is empty. Not so. There are still loose ends, like taxes, that must be finalized. So, as my perverse nature would dictate, the long and winding road will start with me going south...not north. I  have purchased seats for preseason games of both the Sox and the Twins. While you shovel, I cheer. It will be the first time that I will go to Spring Training. Maybe next year the Arizona League. Continuity on this as baseball was a first love, back when there were only 16 teams and two of them were in Boston. Pictures to follow!

South Beach, because it's there, I've never been and art deco is an art style I like, plus there are friends there. Then north. Where? Depends on the loose ends. If they still dangle, that will need completion. If no "dangling chads", perhaps St. Augustine or possibly some state parks in the panhandle. Pictures to follow. Final Florida destination? Pensacola! Air museum, that says it to follow.

San Antonio. 

Dates? TBD! The only one that is even close to definite is the 24th, and that, is written in easily erased pencil. For now the phone. If I can trick the damned thing into working for me. I want a dumb phone...with a crank, ok, another crank. Cancellations and appointments, that's next .No pix to follow!


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